Click on any thumbnail to open up to a new page to see more paintings from each period:
NEWS: January 2025:
Fundraising for those in need in LA right now! Currently, there are about 18 available large paintings still in LA that were about to be shipped to NY. They’re safe in Culver City, not near the fires (fingers crossed).
This month, ✨90%✨ of profits of any sale* of the paintings in this group mentioned above will go to help people in need in LA — to vetted, verified, and legit organizations and various gofundme’s. Click here for a price list of these paintings.
Any painting can be shipped anywhere in the world (delivery is free for those living in LA County; otherwise, shipping will be extra).
If interested, please send an email for the details and any questions you may have. Thank you for your patience, as it may take some time in replying!
Studio Location: now at HudCo. in Dobbs Ferry, NY - more details to come, or feel free to send an email to make an appt in the near future!
MORE ART NEWS: CHECK OUT THE “EXTRA!” PAGE! Interested in small works of art? Many are shown on the Extra! page — the info (including price) is included when you open up the images (Another page, various smaller artworks, has images too, but most are sold and most are at a higher price point).
MUSIC: TBD! You can also check out some live music videos on Instagram and Facebook!
CRITICS? Click HERE to read famed art critic and curator Peter Frank’s essay of Randi Russo’s work.
Some old news but important stuff: Check out my blog right here on this website!
Older work that will look new to this site? More larger works from past years will be posted. Patience please as I update!
Solo show at Thomas Masters Gallery, JAN 9 - FEB 8, 2015
Artist Statement for the exhibition:
This exhibition of my latest body of abstract work is called Life Lines for a number of reasons. To have the word LINES somewhere in the title was perfectly fitting because of the organic, gestural line work that distinguishes my painting. It is the natural ease of these lyrical lines that define my style. I often see biological themes magnified and abstracted in my works, as if I cannot pull myself away from what we’re made of.
But the title goes much deeper than that…
This past year, 2014, was a difficult one, starting off with my mother’s pancreatic cancer diagnosis followed by the death of a dear friend several months later. It is now a time for me to reaffirm LIFE, to consider what life means in the face of adversity; how it travels from innocence to experience, from joy to despair and back to joy again, from tragedy to defiance to victory.
As one of my favorite painters, Willem de Kooning, once said, “I paint the way I do because I can keep on putting more and more things in – like drama, pain, anger, love, a figure, a horse, my ideas of space. It doesn't matter if it differs from mine, as long as it comes from the painting, which has its own integrity and intensity.”
Also, this evening combines both my visual art and music. These two passions of mine have rescued me in times of need and provided a place of solace when things were difficult. They are a necessity, much like breathing is to me. Art and music are my life lines.
- Randi Russo
This show is dedicated to my mother Marlene and to my friend David Lang, whose love and devotion I am forever grateful.
acrylic paint and watercolor pencil on canvas, 54x63", sold
acrylic paint, gesso and watercolor pencil on canvas, 60x62", sold
mixed media on canvas, 58x78", sold
mixed media on canvas, 48x66", sold
acrylic paint, watercolor pencil, chalk, charcoal pencil on canvas, 36x66", sold
acrylic paint and charcoal pencil on canvas, 36x60", sold
acrylic paint, charcoal pencil and chalk on canvas, 65x66", sold
mixed media on canvas, 36x55 (2014), sold
acrylic paint, watercolor pencil, charcoal pencil on canvas, 45x54"
acrylic paint, watercolor, watercolor pencil, charcoal pencil on canvas, 44x54", sold
acrylic paint and graphite pencil on canvas, 23x33"
acrylic paint, watercolor pencil, chalk, artist stix on canvas, 42x50"
acrylic paint, watercolor pencil, pencil on canvas, 60x67"
acrylic paint, watercolor pencil, pencil on canvas, 60x67" - installation shot at Thomas Masters Gallery
More coming soon...
Contact directly to request pics of works on paper.
MORE TO BE ADDED TO THE WEBSITE. Contact to view/receive pics of some of the works on paper.
Follow on Instagram to see many more photos.
More works will be posted soon, as there are more recent ones that are not posted here. Want to see them in person? Make an appointment!